作者:苗宝军 编辑:李媛媛 时间:2019-06-16 点击数:
付瑞(1991.07—)女,河南驻马店人,在读博士。付瑞在海洋之神优惠大厅首页(数学与应用数学专业)本科学习期间,学习刻苦、成绩优异、积极参加学院和学校活动,荣获多种奖励,包括全国大学生数学建模竞赛二等奖、许昌学院一、二、三等奖学金。于2013年6月顺利完成本科学业,并于同年进入西北工业大学应用数学攻读硕士学位,在校期间获得一、二等奖学金,硕士论文获得优秀毕业论文。于2016年三月获得硕士学位,并与九月份进入加州大学欧文分校机械与航空工程学院攻读博士学位,师从Tryphon Georgiou教授(瑞典皇家学院工程院士,IEEE Fellow, 四次获得 IEEE Control Systems Society G.S.Axelby outstanding Paper Award)。于2019年获得机械与航空工程学院硕士学位。现主要研究方向:随机过程、随机热动力系统、最优化。
参加中国力学协会会议(2015中国上海),并做报告;参加南加州第31 (Irvine)、32 (Caltech)、33(Santa Barbara)、34 (Riverside)届学术控制会议,在第36届南加州控制会议(San Diego)做了相应的学术报告;参加The 2020 American Control Conference(Denver),并做报告。获得2020 Conference of Decision and Control (Korean) ‘Student Travel Support Award’.获得科研方向动态(现发表和完成论文7篇)科研成果:
Youming Lei, Rui Fu*. Dichotomous-noise-induced chaos in a generalized Duffing-type oscillator with fractional-order deflection.Journal of Sound and Vibration(2016) (Rui Fu is corresponding author; first author is her previous advisor.)
Youming Lei,Rui Fu*. Heteroclinic chaos in a Josephson-junction system perturbed by Dichotomous noise excitation.Europhysics Letters112.6 (2016) (Rui Fu is corresponding author; first author is her previous advisor.)
Youming Lei, Yong Yang,Rui Fu. Adaptive feedback synchronization of fractional-order complex dynamic networks.Journal of Vibration and Control(2017)
Zahra Askarzadeh,Rui Fu, Abhishek Halder, Yongxin Chen, Tryphon Georgiou, Stability theory of stochastic models in Opinion Dynamics.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control(2019,Co-first author)
Rui Fu,Amirhossein Taghvaei, Yongxin Chen, Tryphon Georgiou, maximal power output of stochastic thermodynamic engine.Automatica(accepted), 2020
Rui Fu, Olga Movilla,Amirhossein Taghvaei, Yongxin Chen, Tryphon Georgiou, Efficiency at maximum power under arbitrary temperature profile (Part I).Physical Review Letters(submitted), 2020
Olga Movilla,Rui Fu,Amirhossein Taghvaei, Yongxin Chen, Tryphon Georgiou, Efficiency at maximum power under arbitrary temperature profile (Part II).Physical Review Letters(submitted), 2020 (Co-first author)